Herd Administrator
What is your background?
Sarah has a strong customer service background having worked for a large cast iron cooker company for the past 16years. After a short break from work and some time to consider her next steps, Sarah realised that what she wanted the most, was a new challenge. Her role as Herd Administrator, whilst requiring some familiar skills, could not be more different from her previous jobs.
What is your role & responsibility?
Sarah’s role as Herd Administrator sees her organise, co-ordinate and document all Herd activities such as births, pedigree registrations, DNA testing, medical records, vet visits, Embryo programs (including Flushing & Transfers), AI Programs, cattle movements and more. Sarah is always more than happy to help fellow and new breeders with any questions they have surrounding pedigree registrations for Wagyu Cattle.
Favourite part of the job?
“I enjoy the opportunities to get out and about on the farm, not all my work is restricted to the office! I love nothing more than getting outside amongst the cattle, with farm staff or the vet, to collect and record various data points from embryo work to wagyu weights.”
Favourite animal?
“My favourite animal on the farm is Wyndford Dobby, whilst he wasn’t the first calf born after my arrival, he definitely made a lasting impression. He got his name from his desire to be a “free elf”, he loves people and if his hutch gate was left open whilst bedding, he would be-line for it and follow you everywhere. We did once joke about having him as an office pet, although I’m not sure he would fit now”
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